Throughout the workshop, Ludovic Carème will accompany each and every person in the field, encouraging the expression of a personal vision of a place and its inhabitants. An immersion that will be exhaustive and sensitive, as close as possible to humans, landscapes, details, the subtle and the flaws.
They will explore several spaces together, all located near the city center of Arles and yet on the fringes, slightly outside of the summer excitement and flows that crowd the city at this time of year.
The participants will give an important place to the meeting, to the exchange which arises during the creation of a portrait. An interaction whose very concrete aspects will be discussed alongside Ludovic Carème from the first day.
Starting from oneself, from one's intuitions, each and every one must seek the right distance from the person photographed by determining a device by the choice of a background, a light and a framing. These images will be associated with photos of landscapes, interiors, details or others of their environment.
This composition will involve a story that we feel.
During individual and collective exchanges and daily editing sessions, each participant will have to develop an artistic, realistic or fictional transcription that addresses the autobiographical dimension of photography. A careful construction (technical, aesthetic and narrative) in order to create meaning with a coherent series which reflects and the author's perception of the world.
The result of this work will materialize at the end of the week through a collective exhibition questioning the interactions and deep oppositions between the photographed territories and the imaginations of the photographers.
LUDOVIC CARÈMELudovic Carème is represented by VU' Agency, he lives and works in Paris.
Ludovic Carème is passionate about photography since high school, reading the reports of the newspaper Liberation in the R.E.R in the early eighties.
He studied photography at the ETPA in Toulouse and published his first photographs in Liberation in 1993. In 1995, on an idea by Jean Hatzfeld, he made portraits of couple of refugees who escaped the horror in Srebrenica. This first experience conveys the urgency of bearing witness to injustice and human fragility with its
Rolleiflex or Hasselblad 6X6. His sensitive style, both contemporary and rooted in tradition of portrait painters, imposes itself in the "culture" and "society" sections of the French and international press (Liberation, Télérama, l'Equipe Mag, Le Monde, Nova, Elle, The New York Times, the Guardian, the Republica delle Donne....), with her portraits of undocumented Malians on hunger strike from the Saint-Bernard church, the actions of Act-Up or the Haitian “slaves” of sugar cane plantations in the Republic Dominican.
His gaze brings out the drama of the stars and the splendor of the vanquished which paved the way for him, record companies and festivals. In 2007, Ludovic Carème moved to Brazil in São Paulo as a correspondent for the major titles of the French Press and focuses on various long-term projects. One xplores a favela condemned to destruction by real estate speculation and confronts the daily life of its inhabitants over a period of more than 2 years.
Then he went up the currents to the Amazonian state of Acre, to meet the “Syringueiros”, the rubber harvesters. Two books were published by Xavier Barral editions.
Ludovic Carème is back in Paris and works mainly in France. assignement.
www.ludoviccareme.comHis agency website :